Mike's Industry View - Issue #94
Levi's turned around its business by following a simple mantra — work.qz.com
Chip Bergh, CEO, devised a simple mantra based on what he learned that has continued to be a key facet of the brand’s approach.
UPS Unveils New Electric Delivery Truck — hypebeast.com
UPS unveils its sleek new, electric delivery truck. 150 miles on one charge and features a 'highly advanced vehicle display'.
Two Fascinating Things Salesforce Discovered When It Studied Colour — www.fastcodesign.com What you think you’ll like isn’t always what helps you make the best decisions, Salesforce Analytics finds in a new research.
Don't Skype Me: How Microsoft Turned Consumers Against a Beloved Brand — www.bloomberg.com Since buying the internet phone service in 2011, Microsoft has signed up corporations like GE and alienated long-time Skypers.
Amazon is building a 'health and wellness’ team within Alexa — www.cnbc.com
Amazon Alexa has a health and wellness team within its voice assistant division.
Digital Photocopiers Loaded With Secrets — www.cbsnews.com
Nearly every digital copier built since 2002 contains a hard drive In the process, it's turned an office staple into a digital time-bomb packed with highly-personal or sensitive data.
Platform News
I tried leaving Facebook. I couldn’t — www.theverge.com
We’re all engaged in the project of reconstructing and reshaping our social rituals in the age of technology.
Twitter’s World Cup Plans: Every Goal, Nightly Analysis — www.sporttechie.com Twitter is working with brands and publishers to produce original targeted content on its platform during the 2018 World Cup.
Fandango Launches Ticket Sales on Instagram — www.hollywoodreporter.com A "Buy Tickets" button will now appear on Fandango's Instagram profile.